Current Series: Why Are You Really On LinkedIn? Explore Your OptionsCurrent Series: Why Are You Really On LinkedIn? Explore Your Options

Job Hunting on LinkedIn

If you're using LinkedIn for job hunting, there's more to it than just sending out applications. Your activity on the platform speaks volumes. Learn how to stand out by engaging with your network and presenting yourself as a top candidate in your industry.

Fox Tucker
Fox Tucker - Digital Marketing Director
2 Min Read
Job Hunting on LinkedIn, by Fox Tucker

Introduction to Job Hunting on LinkedIn

Looking for a job? LinkedIn’s become the go-to place for this. The reason is pretty straightforward: you’re not just updating your resume, you’re showing potential employers how you network, share knowledge, and build a professional presence.

Some might treat LinkedIn like a job board, but that’s a mistake. Employers and recruiters are watching what you post, who you connect with, and how engaged you are with your industry. Are you just here for a new gig, or are you making yourself visible as someone who’s active in the field? That difference matters.

People who get the most out of job hunting on LinkedIn know it’s not about applying for every open position. It’s about making yourself someone who stands out even when you’re not actively applying. If you’re connecting with people in your industry, contributing to conversations, and showing what you know, you’re already ahead of the game.

Job Hunting on LinkedIn

Basic Action Points (Vitals):

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile (professional photo, headline, summary, skills, etc.)
  • Actively engage with posts in your industry (comment, react, and share insights)
  • Build and maintain a strong network (connect with relevant professionals, send personalized invitations)
  • Use keywords strategically to be discoverable (in your profile, posts, and engagement)
  • Regularly post or engage to keep your presence active (without focusing on frequency, focus on quality)

Specific Action Points for Job Hunting:

  • Follow companies where you want to work and engage with their content
  • Join relevant industry groups and participate in discussions
  • Reach out to hiring managers or employees at target companies to build connections
  • Tailor your LinkedIn profile to match the roles you’re seeking (keywords, relevant experience, skills)
  • Use LinkedIn’s job search tools and set alerts for roles that fit your criteria

How To Use This LinkedIn Series?

LinkedIn can be a huge a time-suck. It’s so much easier and more rewarding when you know why you’re using LInkedIn. This series starts with Why Are You Really On LinkedIn? and helps you drill down through to your Transactional Reasons and/or the Intanglible Motivators that drive you and your activities.

When you know your Why? LinkedIn becomes much easier because you can just focus on the What To Do, be aware of the What Not To Do., and cut the time-suck.

By understanding why you’re really here, you’ll be able to use LinkedIn more effectively and strategically – whether for immediate outcomes or long-term success.

Why am I on LinkedIn
Transactional LinkedIn
Intangible LinkedIn

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Digital Marketing Director
Fox Tucker is Digital Marketing Director for a International Media Publishing Company where he leads the content strategy and 50+ colleagues as a LinkedIn marketing specialist. Fox gets a kick out of helping organizations and people thrive on LinkedIn. It starts by establishing Why are you really on LinkedIn? If you’re really stuck Book a 30 minute Q&A and Consultation session.. Fox occasionally provides C-level Executives and Organizations with LinkedIn Consultancy Services.