LinkedIn Profile Review

Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile with a Premium LinkedIn Profile Review and Actionable Consultation with Fox Tucker

Ready to take your LinkedIn profile to the next level? With the Premium LinkedIn Profile Review and Consultation with Fox Tucker, you’ll receive comprehensive insights and bullet-proof actionable strategies to optimize your profile and achieve your professional objectives.

Why Choose Personalized LinkedIn Profile Review and Consultation by Fox Tucker: This service offers a direct collaboration with Fox Tucker, a LinkedIn authority since 2004. You’ll benefit from individualized attention and expertise to transform your LinkedIn presence.

NOTE: This is not a Profile Review Service where someone spends 30 minutes looking at your profile and sends you a list of suggested LinkedIn Features that you didn’t know existed, don’t know how to use, or whether they will be of benefit to you. This premium service typically involves 3 hours of individual attention and activity by Fox Tucker. Guaranteed no time wasting suggestions.

Who is it for?

A LinkedIn user who understand that their LinkedIn Profile is the foundation on which all of their other LinkedIn activity is built. Typically this is someone that is looking to grow their professional network, create a personal brand, and generate opportunities.

How It Works:

  1. Book Your Session: Start by booking a 30-minute one-on-one consultation (voice or video) with Fox Tucker.
  2. Profile Pre-Assessment: Fox will conduct an in-depth review of your LinkedIn profile in advance of your consultation. (30 Minutes)
  3. Consultation Discussion: During your consultation, dive deep into your profile, clarify your goals, and receive tailored recommendations. Fox will show you examples of suggested improvements and their benefits. (30 Minutes)
  4. Comprehensive Transcript: Receive a full transcript of your consultation, capturing all insights and recommendations.
  5. Actionable Document: As part of the service, you’ll also receive a separate actionable document summarising the key steps to optimize your profile. (45 Minutes)



Team Cost for Execs working for same organisation*:
2 – 4 LinkedIn Profiles: $95 Each
5+ LinkedIn Profiles: $80 Each

Ready to elevate your LinkedIn profile with expert guidance? Invest in your professional brand with Fox Tucker’s Premium LinkedIn Profile Review and Consultation, and let’s embark on your LinkedIn journey together. Unlock your full potential on the world’s premier professional networking platform.